Sunday, July 20, 2008

Mass Effect

So I'm playing Mass Effect for the PC right now and I'm completely blown away. The graphics are great--the loading isn't too bad because it appears to be using the streaming tech developed for consoles--load crappy textures first, then the hi-rez. I do wish there was a force-load button in the console (maybe there is) that would force-rez all the high textures in the area. But anway, the voice acting and the story so far are just stellar. Truly stellar. For the first time I actually feel like I am controlling a movie. I wasn't a big fan of Kotor (though I do generally love Bioware products -- Baldur's Gate anyone)? So anyway, I'm gonna gush about the game more later because right now I just want to play some more. But, I thought I'd upload a few choice screenies that I've taken. Of my character and other cool stuff. I didn't realize how generic of a military-lookin dude I ended up making, although in my defense the nose and eye options aren't too shattering. However, the fact that your character really does end up looking pretty fantastic when you are done is a testament to the handling of the engine. Anyway, here are a few pics and now I'll shut up and play.

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